Principal (1 Position) – Bomet University College 38 views

Job Expired

Job Description for Principal

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 35(1)(a) (v) of the Universities Act, 2012 amended through Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No. 18 of 2018, the Public Service Commission invites applications from suitably qualified persons to be considered for appointment to the following position:

Principal (1 Position)


For appointment to this position, a candidate must: –

(i) be a full Professor and holder of an earned Doctorate degree from a university recognized in Kenya;

(ii) have at least ten (10) years of hands-on academic and research experience at senior level and demonstrated leadership and management skills in an academic or research institution;

(iii) have served substantively for eight (8) years with demonstrable results at least as academic Dean or Director and above in a University recognized in Kenya;

(iv) be outstanding and internationally recognized scholar as evidenced by publications in internationally refereed journals or University level books;

(v) be an accomplished scholar with proven track record in formulating and managing academic programmes, successfully supervised Masters and Ph.D. students and mentoring postgraduate and academic colleagues;

(vi) have a good understanding and demonstrable experience of governance structures, Public Finance management and fiscal policies, infrastructural growth, strategic planning and Vision 2030, performance management, human resource management and development, procurement and asset disposal legal requirements;

(vii) have an excellent understanding of current trends in University education and training in Kenya and globally, and a broad awareness of the factors and conditions shaping the development of university education;

(viii) have demonstrated ability and experience in managing student affairs and strategic institutional linkages;

(ix) have excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills;

(x) have demonstrated ability to network, fundraise, mobilize training and research grants towards the development of the University;

(xi) be of high ethical standards, integrity, accountability, professionalism, teamwork and stewardship; and

(xii) comply with chapter Six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.


Core Competencies

The following core competencies and skills will be required:

(i) firm, fair and transparent style of management;

(ii) ability to espouse and promote the national values and governance;

(iii) be a visionary and result oriented leader;

(iv) excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills

(v) ability to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines.


Duties and Responsibilities of Principal

The Principal will be responsible to Council for effective management of both human and material resources of the University College. Specific duties and responsibilities as provided in the Universities Act 2012 and the University College Statutes will include;

(i) being the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer of the University College;

(ii) being the academic and administrative head of the University College;

(iii) having the overall responsibility for the direction, organization and administration of programmes of the University College;

(iv) being the Chairperson of the Management and Academic Boards, and in that capacity provide regular, thorough and prompt communication to the Council and coordinate key technical, financial and administrative matters to Council;

(v) making proposals and submitting reports to the Council for approval;

(vi) promoting partnerships and linkages including public-private partnerships;

(vii) being responsible for fundraising and sustainable development of the University College;

(viii) providing leadership in performance based management through development and application of a result based performance management systems;

(ix) putting in place effective administrative structures, processes and systems;

(x) ensuring adherence of policies and systems of the University College;

(xi) undertaking such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated by Council.



  1. The names of shortlisted candidates shall be published on the Commission’s website;
  2. Shortlisted candidates will be required to present originals of the following documents during the interviews:
  3. National Identity Card;
  4. Academic and Professional Certificates and transcripts;
  5. Any other supporting documents and testimonials; and
  6. Recommendations from relevant professional bodies and associations;
  7. Recommendations from at least three (3) referees should be sent separately to the address below.


  1. Candidates should submit manual (hard copy) applications;
  2. All applications should be submitted together with detailed Curriculum Vitae, a copy of ID/Passport, copies of academic certificates, testimonials and any other relevant supporting documents;
  3. The Curriculum Vitae should include information on academic qualifications, professional experience, leadership and management roles, publications, awards, scholarships, funding, membership of professional association, linkages and community service, email address and telephone contacts;
  4. Applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked:

“Application for the Position of Principal – Bomet University College”

and delivered to:


Public Service Commission

Commission House

P.O Box 30095-00100


All applications should reach the Public Service Commission on or before 2nd July, 2024

latest by 5.00 p. m (East African Time).





For more job description for the Position of Principal – Bomet University College

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